17 June 2016


假如我好命的話  就能活到一百歲
那  我已過完了人生  第一個五分一

今年嘛  沒大搞沒什麼的
反而就在家  邊發呆 邊趕 assignment
晚上和親戚去吃晚餐  看了部電影  就這樣

和 凱凱 & Shrek 去吃晚餐
雖然不是生日餐  但還是很高興
因為之前發生了一件事  讓我無法將心情好好提起

今年  不知哪根筋出了問題
去把生日從 Facebook 上 remove 掉
就不想生日時一大堆 notification
完全在意料之內  很多人都忘了 哈哈哈

所以我完全明白 哈哈哈哈哈

沒想到 第一個祝我的人 是大學的朋友 Jonathan
之後就到 啊Poong 哈哈哈哈

其實只是想感謝一下  在我人生第一個五分一出現過的人

哇,人生中最好玩的日子都過完了  呵

因為每一位  才能塑造出今天的我
少了任何一位  我的人生就會改寫了

除此之外呢  想趁機發洩一下
是可以不要看啦 下面的 哈哈哈

Oh My God, what has happened to mankind.
I thought we were taught to be loving and kind.
I guess there are some faulty in our education system
that created a monster who killed all 50 of them.

I wish my thoughts and prayers could reach out to them and their family.
I would have never imagine things like this to ever happen,
at least not in such a civilized environment.

My heart was breaking and aching there's nothing I could do
Just seeing the news and reading all their names through

We are all human, the smartest creature on Earth
and that's what I thought before the beast occurred
What I know now is fear and sadness
with all these happening it's a complete madness.

But I hope one day we will heal from this wound
No sadness, no anger nor sorrow be felt
For violence should end and buried deep in the tomb

So for those who don't know,
on June 12th, a mass shooting has happened in Orlando, Florida.
It was just one man, armed.
It was Latino's Night in the pub named Pulse,
and it was the last day for the Pride Parade.

This one man, went into the club and started opening fire.
He killed 49 innocent people, having fun, celebrating Pride day.
Was he a homophobe? His father suggested that he is,
but his ex-wife said he himself is gay.
So, why? Just like that, 50 died (including himself).

What about their families, what about their friends?
What about those who were not out to their family?
Their family has to find out their child is gay and is now dead.
How are they going to cope with that?

I just couldn't handle it.

I would like to quote Lin Manuel Miranda:
"We chase the melodies that seem to find us
Until they're finished songs and start to play
When senseless acts of tragedy remind us
That nothing here is promised, not one day.
This show is proof that history remembers
We lived through times when hate and fear seemed stronger;
We rise and fall and light from dying embers,
remembrances that hope and love last longer
And love is love is love is love is love is love is love is love cannot be killed or swept aside.
I sing Vanessa's symphony, Eliza tells her story,
Now fill the world with music, love and pride."

Ok, some things might not make sense to some of you
this is his acceptance speech for the Tony Awards.

Anyway, love is love, it cannot be killed or swept aside
fill the world with music, love and pride.

I don't know how much longer I'm gonna be mourning for them
but I really hope things like this don't ever happen again.

May they rest in peace, with music, love and pride.

結束前  向自己說一聲

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